How to begin a fitness routine and get motivated

Sit down and work out what you would like to get out of your exercise program, i.e. put on size, loose weight, increase endurance etc. A good program should reflect what you what to achieve. Different programs for different needs. SAID principle Specific Adaptations imposed demands, meaning if you want to become an endurance athlete you must train as an endurance athlete performs during exercise. No point lifting heavy weights, rather long distance, slow intensity training is more specific to your goals. May need the advice of a professional personal trainer or exercise physiologist.

Tired of weights machines and treadmills? Add some variety into your program, incorporate different types of training sessions i.e. boxing, cycling, outdoor running, swimming etc. Each week try a different activity that will challenge you body differently. That way you will never get tired of the same activity.

Fitness Equipment that you may need

Shoes- Choose a shoe based on your chosen exercise. Some shoes are completely inappropriate when used for unintended exercises as the way the soles are shaped may put you at risk of rolling your ankles.

Clothing- Always wear loose fitting clothing, particularly in summer as this encourages better air flow and effective cooling of your body during exercise.

Hat and Sunnies- Don’t forget these when you’re spending the day in the field. Apart from cutting down the glare from the sun, these can save you a lot more than just a dropped catch!

Music- keeps you exercising longer to your favourite tunes and puts your mind at ease when you need it most.

How to warm up properly

The warm up is the most important part of your exercise session, which helps you prevent injuries. A good warm up will increase the blood flow to all the parts of your body, which you will be required to use during your exercise session. In other words preparing you for battle. Studies have shown the best form of warm up is a lower intensity version of the activity you are about to do as this prepares your muscles for exertion. For example, a runner would start their warm up session by walking briskly and slowly graduating to a slow jog. Your warm up should take approximately 5 minutes to complete, if done properly you should feel a light sweat coming on.

Basic exercise x3

Basic Plank- Encourages co-contraction of all your core muscles.

  1. Begin on the floor/mat on your elbows and knees.
  2. Tense your core muscles as if you’re bracing yourself for a ‘punch to the gut’.
  3. When ready, lift your knees and transfer your weight on to your toes.
  4. Maintain the ‘Plank’ position. Do not allow your back to arch or your bum to lift. Hold for 1 min,  then rest 90secs and repeat 3 times.
  5. Challenge yourself by lifting each leg for 5 secs alternating sides.

Push up Matrix

  1. Start in the standard push up position, with your hands a chest-breadth apart.
  2. Perform 7 push-ups, lowering your chest to as close to the ground as possible.
  3. Immediately after step 2, move your right hand up and left hand down, in to the staggered position.
  4. Perform 7 push-ups in this position.
  5. Immediately after step 4, reverse your hand positions.
  6. Perform 7 push-ups in this position.
  7. Immediately after step 6, bring your hands together under your chest in the overlapping position.
  8. Perform 7 push-ups in this position. Rest for 2 minutes then repeat 3 times.


  1. Start in the standing position with both feet at shoulder width.
  2. ‘Lunge’ forward with your left foot and transfer your weight all onto your left foot.
  3. Bend both knees so your right knee is lowered as close as possible to the ground without touching it. Try to keep both knees at right angles.
  4. Push yourself back up to the starting position, so your feet are now beside each other.
  5. Perform 10 lunges on alternating sides. Rest for 90secs, then repeat 3 times.