Exercise Physiology


At North Sydney Sports and Chiropractic we believe that fitness is a measure of good health, therefore exercise can be seen as the medication. Taken in the correct dosages, you can achieve longer lasting benefits without the side effects of taking drugs.

An Exercise Physiologist is a university qualified allied health professional who specialises in clinical exercise interventions for persons at high risk of developing or with existing, chronic and complex medical conditions and injuries. These interventions are provided by exercise delivery including health and physical activity education, advice and support and lifestyle modification with a strong focus on achieving behavioural change.

Our Exercise Physiologists can assist you to feel confident in engaging in exercise regardless of your pre-existing or complex conditions. We provide you with great advice and support to ensue you enjoy your good health and so you can manage your condition.

Our Exercise Physiologists in North Sydney work closely alongside our team of Chiropractors and Massage Therapists, to ensure that we provide the best and most effective care for your condition.

Exercise Physiologists can help patients:

  • Overcome persisting pain caused by injury or overuse
  • Improve their heart health
  • Rehabilitate following a cardiac event
  • Control their diabetes
  • Prevent pre-diabetes progressing to full diabetes
  • Improve their recovery following cancer treatment
  • Improve their general health and well being

Who needs an Exercise Physiologist?

An Exercise Physiologist can help address your health and fitness goals using exercise as the main intervention.

Our Exercise Physiologists in North Sydney work with the normal population, however specialise in working with people with special or complex conditions such as:

  • Obesity
  • Low back pain
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthritis
  • Depression and more.

If you think that you could benefit from the help of one of our experienced team members at North Sydney Sports and Chiropractic feel free to contact us on (02) 9955 5110 or info@sportsandchiro.com.au to discuss. Our North Sydney team are eager to help you get the most out of your health and fitness!

    Initial Consultation Form


    What to expect?

    You will need to fill in an Initial Consultation/Pre-Exercise Consent Form before we begin. This is available on the following link: click here. You will be asked to fill out personal information and other health and exercise related questions. You may feel that some of this information is not relevant to exercise, but this information will give your practitioner a better understanding of your overall state of health, especially as you will be put through some physical tests. Your EP will help you to understand and to set some exercise goals i.e. lose weight, improve lean muscle mass or improve fitness etc. Once we have all this information, your EP will perform some physical tests to get a better understanding of you level of physical fitness so they will know on what areas to focus your exercise program. You will be required to perform some physical exercises a relatively intense level, so please bring a change of exercise clothes, towel and water bottle, for your own comfort. After the first session, your EP will prepare an exercise program specifically designed with your goals in minds. You will run through this program on your second visit so we can ensure that the program and prescribed exercises are being performed correctly. At this point we may suggest a few supervised sessions to help you familiarise yourself with your program, or if you do not have the basic exercise equipment on hand. If you feel confident to perform your exercise program individually at home or gym, then we would still recommend at least 1 follow up session a month to;
    1. review and re-assess you
    2. monitor your improvements and
    3. make sure you are on track to reaching your goals.

    How much?

    Initial Consultation- $135 (45 mins- Includes Initial Assessment only) Ongoing Consultation- $135 (45 mins- Includes Exercise Consult and Review of Program) We also offer discounted pre-pay packages Initial Consultation plus 5 Exercise consultations- $585 5x Exercise Consultations- $450 We accept HICAPS, EFTPOS, Credit Card (Mastercard, VISA and AMEX), Cash, Cheque, DVA/ Medicare (EPC referrals), Worker’s Compensation and Third Party Insurance Claims. All payments are to be finalised on the day.