Exercise Classes


Our exercise classes have been specially designed for the North Sydney office worker in mind. As sitting is considered to be as detrimental to your health as smoking, we strongly recommend breaking up the working day by getting out of the office and doing some exercise. Exercise is good for the body and mind. A quick fitness kick in the middle of the day can help to rejuvenate your mind and get you focused for the remaining part of the day.

Our Exercise Classes in North Sydney:

  • Run for 45 min before work, lunch and after work times.
  • Limited to 3 people. So you get the supervision and attention you need during the class.
  • Catered to all levels of fitness and abilities.
  • Encourages healthy balance between strength and flexibility.
  • Claimable under your Private Health Insurance* (check with your own fund)

We offer three types of exercise classes in North Sydney:

Strength and Stability – An exercise class in Sydney that focuses on the trunk musculature, postural stability and correcting movement patterns for daily living. Exercises are included to strengthen all muscles of the core including stomach, side, back, hips and shoulders. The exercises are also modifiable to suit all levels of strength and experience. We use dumbells, barbell, TRX, Plyometric boxes and resistance bands in the class.

Flexibility and Mobility – A class combining static stretching and dynamic mobility exercises to increase range of motion and prevent injury. We use foam rollers, spiky balls, TRX and exercise balls during the class to help achieve this. Particular attention will be paid to problem areas common to office work such as neck, shoulders, back and hips.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)- HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is short, intense bursts of exercise followed by short periods of rest. A typical HIIT session can last for 20-45mins so is great for people who are time poor.

Who needs Exercise Classes in Sydney?

Our exercise classes were designed to be a quick session that you can use to break up the day, escape from the office and get a workout at the same time. The classes will suit people who:

  • sit all day
  • spend too much time in the office
  • are short of time
  • want to have an effective exercise session.
  • would like some supervision during exercise
  • needing some motivation during exercise
  • want to break up the working day

To find out more contact us on (02) 9955 5110 or info@sportsandchiro.com.au to discuss joining one of our exercise classes in North Sydney.

What to expect

Before participating in the class you will be required to fill out a pre-exercise form. We will ask you for some personal information and other health related information relevant to exercise. The classes begin promptly at the advertised starting time; if you are late we will begin without you. Please be fully changed into exercise clothing and bring your own towel and water. Classes are fully supervised by our EP, and limited to a maximum of 3 people. As with any group training, please be aware of your surrounding to ensure your own safety and the safety of the other group members. Our classes run for 45 mins to give you plenty of time to get back to work and shower if needed.

How much